MA Searchlights offers complete searchlights with our powerful 4000 watt Xenon Aerial Searchlights. MA Searchlights offers the entire New England area which includes Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Connecticut and New York. We also provide searchlights for further locations and nationwide pricing would apply. When you are looking for immediate attention and flare then adding a roaming Search Light from MA Searchlight will certainly help. Hollywood Searchlights, Sky Lights, Batman Signal, Sky trackers, Spotlights, Searchlights, Carbon ARCS whatever you may call them we have it all for rental in one easy website. MA Searchlights uses only the best and latest Xenon lamp technology for it's powerful 4000 watt search lights. These search light rental units can be seen from 3-4 miles away directly in the air! They draw all sorts of positive attention to any event or location that may need it. MA Searchlights also offers many unique advertising and promotional products to get your event or product seen by the masses. Crystal Entertainment owns and operates MA Searchlights and Promotions. Why a Searchlight rental? In the past searchlights were used for primarily defense and spotting planes. Hollywood got the idea and put them to work for grand openings and movie premiers. Seeing the Hollywood sign lit up with searchlights and or the 20th Century Fox Logo proudly displays it's searchlight sweeping back and forth. Well now anyone can have their event or location clearly lit up for miles away for the world to see. How it works is simple, shine the searchlights up in the sky and people from the surrounding area will be drawn to it and follow it's bright beam to it's source to see what is happening. This brings in a lot of attention and excitement to any event. Renting searchlights is also a very economical way to have customers instantly attracted to your store or event. MA Searchlight can offer a daily rate, weekly rate and monthly options with complete setup and operation. All you have to do is handle the crowd that arrives. Advertising with a Search Light costs only a fraction compared with TV ads, Radio spots, Yellow Pages and direct mail. Plus the response is in minutes not days.
If your business is looking to draw new customers or add some new excitement then let MA Searchlights bring in it's powerful search light units. We will provide everything needed with a trained technician to operate and setup the equipment. At MA Searchlights we also provide the 220 volt power needed to operate the searchlights via a powerful generator. MA Searchlights is fully insured for peace of mind. Massachusetts Searchlights also offers package pricing for multiple unit and or day discounts. Package pricing to help meet the needs of all customers. What Can I use the Searchlight For? Let human curiosity draw your customers from miles around or help your guests find your location from across town. All they have to do is follow the beam of moving light! It does not get any easier. For years search lights and sky trackers have fascinated people for the fact that they usually represent something fun and attractive where the light is being shot from. People always wonder where and why that light is being projected into the sky. Something bring and rare must be happening nearby and they should check it out. Searchlights bring credibility to an event and projects the image of success for miles around! Keywords: Search Light, MA Searchlights, Massachusetts searchlight, New England Search Lights, carbon arc, carbon-arc, sky tracker, beam dancer, multibeam, multi beam, sky light, sky tracker, Boston Search Light, Rental Boston, Searchlight rental, Xenon Lamp, Xenon Searchlight, New Hampshire searchlight, Nashua Searchlight, New York Search Light, Rhode Island Search Light, Connecticut Search Light rental, Maine Search Light rental, Vermont Searchlight rentals, Grand Openings, MA Disc Jockeys, Inflatable Moonwalk rental, Sky Dancer rental, Air Puppet, Sky Dancer |